Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
Preview - 24 Stunden Comic 2014
Der 24-StundenComicAnlass in Winterthur war auch dieses Jahr sehr gelungen. Trotz leichter Erkältung habe ich auch diesmal die 24 Seiten geschafft. Den Comic werde ich möglichst bald digitalisieren und online hochladen. Oben ein erster Einblick.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Koffermarkt Solothurn - 8.11.2014
Gemeinsam mit Helen Aerni bin ich auch dieses Jahr wieder am Koffermarkt in Solothurn! Unter wird dort mein neuer Postkarten-Adventskalender erhältlich sein.
Mehr Infos zum Anlass unter kofferschä
Mehr Infos zum Anlass unter kofferschä
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Comic-Collab #037 "Schwarz und Weiss"
writing by Gabriel Andres, drawings by me.
translation into Swahili by Joel Andres, see:
Comic-Collab #037 "Schwarz und Weiss" - TeilnehmerInnen:
(wird vorzu vervollständigt)
- Schlogger
- Isla Volante
- Sylvaroth
- Skizzenblog
- Rainer Unsinn
- Comic Creator Conspiracy
- Kritzelkomplex
- Adrian vom Baur
- Pepperworth
- Team-O
- Dramatized Depiction
- Schisslaweng
- Katrin Felder
- Doppeltim
- Hillerkiller
- Pandago
- Flausen
- Um die heisse Windel
- Apfelhase
- Regenmonster
- art ‘n illus
- Zeitgleich
- Zeichnerstammtisch Heidelberg
- Armer Armin
Übersetzung / Translation English - Swahili - English:
I used to help my mother
Nilikuwa nimemsaidia mama yangu
[I-past-be I-ve-her-helped mother of-me]
carrying groceries home
kupeleka vyakula nyumbani
[to-cause-to-go foods home]
I used to play with the others
Nilikuwa nimecheza na watu wengine
[I-past-be I-ve-played with people other]
before I did my chores
kabla ya kufanya shughuli yangu
[before of to-do work mine]
Shuleni nilijitahidi
[At-school I-past-tryHard]
but there was too much unrest
ila makelele yalikuwa mengi
[except noises they-past-were many]
Kama kijana nilipata
[like young-Boy I-past-found]
hela nyingi
[money many]
more than I've ever seen
nyingi zaidi sijawahi
[many more Inot-yet-experienced]
Wazazi wangu waliniambia
[Parents ofmine they-past-me-told]
“You go out and see
Uondoke na tafuta
[You-depart and search]
Mahali pengine
[Place other]
Nilisafiri sana
[I-past-travel very]
and some places I got to
baadhi ya maeneo ambayo nilifika
[and few of places which I-past-reached]
I'd never wanted to see
sikutaka kuyaona
[Inot-past-want to-them-see]
And some people I met
Na baadhi ya watu ambao nilikutana nao
[And few of people which I-past-meet with-them]
that I'd rather forget
niliachana nao kwa sababu
[I-past-letGo ofThem with reason]
were a bad influence on me
walinishawishi nifanye vitu vibaya
[They-ve-me-persuade I-make things bad]
But not all accidents are bad
Si kila ajali ni mbaya
[Not every accident is bad]
and with all the luck I had
Na kwa bahati nilipata
[And with luck I-past-found]
I was confident
but the bureaucracy drove me mad
ila utawala ulinifanya kichaa
[except regime it-past-me-make crazy]
I took the chance of life
Nilichagua nafasi ya maisha
[I-past-choose opportunity of life]
I advanced despite of strife
Nilisogea mbele hata nilipata ugomvi
[I-past-moveTowards front evenThough I-past-found quarreling]
I worked hard to earn
Nilifanya kazi kwa bidii kupata
[I-past-make work with effort to-find]
the respect of my peers
Heshima ya watu
[Respect of people]
Ila bado kwa sabubu fulani
[Except still with reason not-known]
I still live in fear
Naishi na hofu
[I-present-live with fear.]